Best United States Navy Pick San Diego California as Pacific Base 1917 Newspaper. Offered is an original, historic, & collectible old newspaper: EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, May 1, 1917 A terrific and very displayable issue on the founding era of the United States Navy’s relationship with San Diego, one which has grown tremendously ever since 1917 to become the home port of the Pacific Fleet, a base composed of 13 piers, with over 24,000 military personnel and over 10,000 civilian workers. Navy remains a vital economic force in San Diego today. The large and bold banner headline–in red ink no less–makes the statement: ” CHOOSE SAN DIEGO AS NAVAL STATION “. The subhead notes: ” Ten Thousand Men to Be Trained At Exposition Grounds “. Portions of text include. Buildings and grounds of the San Diego, Cal, Panama-California International exposition, offered to the navy free of charge for any use, have been accepted by Secretary Daniels and probably will be made the site of a naval training station… Representative Kettner of San Diego, and Colonel D. Collier, for the San Diego chamber of commerce, made the offer to the navy department, and it was accepted within 15 minutes. The San Diego site, because of its climatic and other advantages, is very acceptable to the navy… Further on are other details of the agreement, including a telegram from Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, noting in part. With more, the article carrying over to page 5. Information provided by the San Diego Naval Historical Association provides collaborating information including. The Naval Training center, San Diego had its inception in 1916 when Mr. Interested the Honorable Franklin D. Of the Navy, in establishing a naval training activity on the shores of San Diego Bay. Due to the nation’s entry into World War I, further development of permanent site plan was postponed until 1919… However in 1917 the city of San Diego made way for a temporary Naval Training State. The station at Balboa Park [site of the Exposition mentioned above] ensured a permanent naval training installation in San Diego… A landmark issue on the very beginning of the relationship between the United States Navy and the city of San Diego, and likely to be found only in a San Diego newspaper. Complete in 12 pages somewhat irregular at the spine margin due to disbinding, a few archival mends within, faint library stamp i the masthead, light toning, generally in good condition. Please Note: All of our offerings are 100% authentic! We do not offer reprints or reproductions of any kind. They are guaranteed to be original! Links to Archival Storage Options & Certificates of Authenticity Are Below! Historical reports may be beautiful or ugly, but they are always informative. While we rejoice in the beautiful heroic, discovery, amazing feats, etc. , we at History’s Newsstand also offer “the ugly” for we are determined to learn from the wrongs of the past – understanding, to do so, we must be willing to look these wrongs directly in the face and shout NO MORE! It is for this reason many Black Americans collect historic slave ads, Jews collect reports regarding the Holocaust, women collect coverage of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, etc.. If you find any to be offensive, we agree! Hopefully this is an indication we are moving in the right direction. For this specific item, A U. The S&H will be calculated by using the highest item’s S&H as the base cost, and then adding a small amount for each additional newspaper. The per-item additional cost for newspapers, folders, portfolios, and presentation cases vary according to size and weight. We will still provide tracking and insure them at our expense. Are not included in our quoted S&H. If You Are Unhappy With Your Order. We have been both collectors and dealers in rare newspapers since 1975, serve as consultants to multiple museums, and are members of both the Ephemera Society of America and the American Antiquarian Society. Knowing every item we offer is guaranteed to be authentic. Timothy Hughes Rare Newspapers P. Desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things. We hope you understand! Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.